Explore the Bras d’Or – Baddeck River Valley Ride
July 29th, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Join ride leader Tim Babcock for a group ride and optional hike to celebrate the Explore the Bras d’Or Festival!
For this ride, meet in the parking lot at the Baddeck Curling Club at 10:00am. The group will then proceed up Old Margaree Road, turn R at a T-junction just over the TCH overpass (Exit 9) onto Big Baddeck Rd, proceeding 11.4 km to the Uisge Ban road junction. The loop then continues another 11 km back to start.
This route takes us from the town of Baddeck up the south side of the Baddeck River and back down the west side, a distance of approximately 23 km over good paved roads (no paved shoulders, a few hills on the return section) and likely not a lot of traffic. Natural beauty and farmlands in the valley bottom are some of the scenic attractions of this route. Stop at the newly opened Nicholson walking trail (3 km each way) along the Baddeck River and take a short hike.
An optional addition, depending on group consensus, would be a 4 km (8 km round trip) ride on dirt road into the Uisge Ban Falls Provincial Park, and a hike into the falls (90 minutes in and out). It is suggested to bring a picnic lunch to eat on the way (other options are the restaurant at the Baddeck Forks golf course or various establishments back in Baddeck).
For more information about this route, contact Tim by email at timothyb@ns.sympatico.ca
To learn more about Explore the Bras d’Or visit https://explorethebrasdor.com/
Ride Route to Uisge Ban Falls:
Shorter ride option with no trip to Uisge Ban Falls: