Who We Are
Velo Cape Breton is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run organization. We offer a wide variety of rides for people of all ages and abilities, including road cycling instruction sessions and rides for novice cyclists, weekend rides, short casual evening rides, as well as single-day and multi-day tours.
Velo Cape Breton funds are mainly derived from membership dues and our Cabot Trail in 4 Days tour.
We are committed to advocating for better cycling infrastructure and to promoting cycling culture in our communities. We work collaboratively with other non-governmental groups and with all three levels of government.
If you would like to get involved in promoting better cycling infrastructure, why not contact us? We would love to hear from you.
Velo Cape Breton promotes the use of the bicycle as a safe and enjoyable mode of transportation and recreation. This is accomplished through advocacy, education and rides that are geared to all levels of experience.
The purpose of the Association is to promote general interest in bicycling in all its phases.
- To engage in recreational cycling
- To promote the rights of bicyclists
- To further understanding and recognition of the need for safer bicycling conditions among participants and the general public
- To aid in the development of educational materials and programs on bicycling
- To cooperate with governmental authorities in the education and enforcement of traffic safety regulations applicable to bicycling
- To advance the bicycle as an economical, healthful and pleasurable means of transportation.
It is the policy of Velo Cape Breton to:
- open its membership to all cyclists and supporters regardless of race, color, creed, religion, political affiliation, age, sex, sexual preference, handicap, appearance or national origin;
- grant membership to everyone who completes the Velo Cape Breton Membership Application form, agrees to and signs the Waiver and Release of Indemnity form, and pays the required dues, unless the applicant has been suspended from the membership per the Association’s By-Laws.
The strength and activity of any club’s programs depend on successfully recruiting enthusiastic volunteers. Motivating and organizing volunteers can be a problem for bicycle clubs because cyclists would rather be riding than doing just about anything else. Volunteer positions tends to vary with the needs, and not all volunteer positions are filled every year. These positions are: Promotions Director, Publicity Director, Safety/Education Director, Advocacy Director, Social Director, New-member Orientation, Ride Volunteer Coordinators, Webmaster, Newsletter Editor.
Velo Cape Breton has a long history of advocating for safe cycling and improved bike networks in Nova Scotia. We collaborate with elected officials and partner organizations to plan for and promote active transportation routes including bike lanes, multi-use paths, and trail systems.
- Construction of Rumble Strips on Provincial Highways by the Department of Transportation in a manner that violates their own guidelines.
- Painting of Fog Lines (white line on right hand side of road) that violates the Department of Transportation guidelines.
- Development of a new Rails to Trails path in Glace Bay
- Support of Velo Canada Bikes initiative for a National Cycling Strategy, and National Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Fund
President – Andrée Crépeau
Treasurer – Bill Goldston
Vice President – Jarret Gosbee
Secretary – Kristen MacLeod
Secretary – Kate O’Brien
Rides Captain – vacant
Members at Large
Mark Floerke
Leroy Hodder
Nathan Karsgaard
David Kehler
Stephanie MacLellan
Susan Reeves
Elaine Swartz
Your Velo Cape Breton executive divide their time and energy into three main areas as follows:
- Rides and Events
- Safety and Education
- Advocacy
Below you will find links to our year-end reports and progress reports where you will find information on our activities, achievements and challenges.
Thank you for your support of Velo Cape Breton Bicycle Association.
Together we can accomplish so many great things to make our communities better places to live.
2014/2015 Safety and Education Progress Report